An online community + heart education membership exclusively designed for women who are tired of living in survival mode and are ready to thrive in every season and circumstance
“I have had so much breakthrough in anxiety, creating long-lasting friendships, and walking in my God-given identity. There are problems I have struggled with for years and I now have immense revelation, freedom, and healing in.”
— Abby
Uncover what’s really keeping you stuck in your life. It’s time to let go of cycles of emotional pain, unhealthy coping mechanisms, and self-sabotage and get connected to yourself, God, and others!
Discover how to show up to your life in every season and circumstance. Say goodbye to living in survival mode and learn how to THRIVE in your life.
Become the person you were created to be and build a life you LOVE — a life that is vibrant and purposeful, hopeful and joy-filled.
If you’re tired of living in survival mode, this letter is for YOU!
Trust me — I get it. I spent years of my life feeling like I was on a hamster wheel of never-enough and always-overwhelmed. I felt trapped in my own body, completely unaware of myself and my needs, grasping at whatever quick-fix I could get my hands on — relationships, partying, drinking, achievements — I attempted to fill this gaping hole in my heart with people, substances, jobs, and accomplishments. I was overworked, self-medicated, and drowning in hopelessness and anxiety.
I hated my life and felt purposeless, uninspired, unmotivated, and deeply insecure. I blamed my misery on the men I dated, my jobs, the circumstances around me, and everyone and everything else.
Over time, I began to realize that the problem wasn’t the guys I was dating.
It wasn’t in my circumstances that I couldn’t control.
It wasn’t the people around me.
The problem was ME.
I didn’t know who I was - therefore, I didn’t know what I needed.
I didn’t understand myself - therefore, I didn’t know how to communicate what I wanted and desired in life.
I didn’t like myself - therefore, I attracted men who didn’t know how to treat me.
I felt unmotivated and uninspired because I was being what I thought everyone else needed me to be instead of being MYSELF.
As I began to face my Self, I began to understand that what was keeping me stuck in my codependent relationships was the unhealthy beliefs I had about who I was and what I had to offer.
What was keeping me stuck in cycles of disordered eating, unhealthy friendships, and performance anxiety was the reality that I believed that who I was, at my core, wasn’t good, loved, valued, or wanted.
I was unconsciously creating the life I was in because of what I believed about myself, God, others, and the world around me. I felt powerless in my life because I wasn’t taking personal responsibility for my body, soul, and spirit.
Let me tell you something:
Your life is a product of what you believe right now, in this moment.
The life you are living, the relationship you’re in, the thing you’re addicted to, the powerlessness you feel is because you’re believing that you’re not good enough, not valued enough, not important enough, and from those beliefs, you’re creating your life. Your reality.
The good news is that your beliefs can change. Thanks to neuroplasticity, you can change how you see yourself and, as a result, your life can look completely different three months from now, six months from now, or a year from now if you can learn how to change what you’re believing.
Trust me: I’ve gone through this process myself and I’ve walked over 100 clients through this process and they are all in a completely different place than when they started.
Because it’s simple. It’s not complicated BUT, you do have to put in the work.
I wanted to create a space where women could come to heal, grow, connect, and contribute so that they could become the person they were created to be and live a life they love.
THRIVE is a private, online community exclusively designed for the woman who feels stuck, burnt out, overwhelmed, unmotivated, and uninspired in her life. Thrive is for the woman who is done with living in survival mode and is ready to show up and live a life she LOVES!
And I want to invite YOU to be a part.
Chantelle xx
“I felt so "off" on the inside of me, but I had no language for it and had no clue how to get unstuck. Working with Chantelle was life-changing, transformative, and ground-breaking! I can confidently say I love who I am and I am more willing to go after uncomfortable places after this experience!”
An online community + heart education membership exclusively designed for women who are tired of living in survival mode and are ready to thrive in every season and circumstance!
Every Friday from 9-10am PST, join us in our bi-weekly Group Sessions. On these live calls, there will be teaching, sharing, and coaching, as well as Q+A’s, guest speakers, and more! If you can’t make it live, no stress! You’ll have access to all of the recordings in the member area so you don’t miss out!
Lifetime access to my GET UNSTUCK e-course and any other courses and content I create in the future. My GET UNSTUCK course is the bedrock of how I help women break free from pain and cycles of coping and into the person they were created to be in order to build a life they LOVE! You’ll also be invited to live, topical workshops that I teach and masterclasses taught by guests.
You’ll have access to the many pdf resources and workbooks that I have created to help you deepen the work that we do inside of the community that will facilitate your ongoing breakthrough and growth - body, soul, and spirit.
This is the best part. Being a part of this community means that you get to heal, learn, and grow alongside women, just like yourself, who are doing the work! We meet every Friday from 9-10am PST in our weekly Group Sessions to learn, connect, heal, and grow together as a Thrive community.
“I have uncovered and faced head-on so many areas in my life where I’ve felt stuck. From body image, health, people-pleasing, purpose, and processing hard seasons - I now have tools to move forward and I’ve experienced a deep transformation in my life!”
✔ Access to Get Unstuck: Uncover What’s Holding You Back and Discover Your Authentic Self
✔ Access to the 4-step research-based, client-proven process to getting unstuck and living a life you love
✔ Invitation to our exclusive online THRIVE community
✔ Live weekly Group Sessions via Zoom
✔ Exclusive workshops on different topics that will help you get unstuck and thrive in every area of your life
✔ Access to an expanding library of emotional health tools, workbooks, and resources
THRIVE is for you if:
You feel stuck in your life - in your relationships, career, motherhood, communication, going after your goals, past pain, emotions, etc.
You “know” what you need to do to go after what you want, but you just can’t seem to implement it in a way that sticks
You’ve done counseling or coaching before and yet, you still feel like you need help
You have unhealthy coping mechanisms - eating, drinking, watching, scrolling, yelling, shutting down, and dissociating
Your relationships are unhealthy and codependent
You feel like you have more needs than your needs are being met.
You feel alone and isolated in your journey and are searching for more support and connection in your life
You’re ready to put in the work and do what it takes to show up to your life and build a life you LOVE!
“Through coaching, I have experienced deep healing in patterns and cycles I felt stuck and hopeless in for years. I have learned how to healthily process trauma, pain, and anxiety and I have lifelong tools that have led to a deeper level of healing.”
Thrive is a private, online community exclusively designed for women who are tired of living in survival mode and are ready to thrive in every season and circumstance. It's for women who are eager and willing to go after the places in their life where they feel stuck so that they can show up and thrive in their life.
Inside of the membership platform, you'll have instant access to the 4-step research based, science backed, client tested-and-proven process to getting unstuck in every area of your life.
This process includes processing through past pain and trauma, identifying belief systems that are creating cycles of stuck-ness in your life, and creating new beliefs that will empower you to forgive those who have hurt you, set boundaries, and get your needs met in a healthy and sustainable way and so much more!!
You will also have access to a beautiful community of women who are also on the journey of becoming in our private Facebook community exclusively for members. Join us every Friday from 9-10am PST In our weekly Group Session where I will teach and coach on a variety of different topics!
That's completely up to you! The e-course, Get Unstuck, is self-directed, which means you can move through it at your own pace. That being said, consuming the provided content will help equip you on our bi-weekly calls, as I refer to the process in the course inside our weekly Group Sessions.
Furthermore, when you put in the work, the process will work for you! There's a reason you're committing every month to showing up to your life - because you want to see CHANGE and GROWTH in your life. Simply joining the membership isn't going to get you unstuck. Showing up to the weekly group sessions, moving through the course content, watching the replays if you miss a Group Session, and doing the exercises in the course will literally get you unstuck in every single area of your life.
The amazing thing about the Thrive Membership is that I am here to guide you along the journey. You're not doing this alone. I've led so many women through this process and they've seen the fruit. You're being empowered by myself and encouraged by the community of women who are doing this with you!
Everything is in the Membership portal - link to the bi-weekly Group Sessions, access to course content, workbook, pdf tools and resources, video replays, online workshops, Facebook community, etc.
The weekly Group Sessions are held via Zoom and you can find the link inside the member portal. If you can’t make the sessions live, all of the Group Sessions, workshops, and masterclasses will be recorded to watch at your convenience inside the portal!
Connection with the Thrive community takes place in the private Facebook group -- that is until you make beautiful friendships with your fellow members and connect outside of the Facebook group xx
You can access the membership portal from your computer, tablet, or smartphone!
The monthly price covers:
Our weekly Group Session every Friday from 9-10am PST and the video replays in the membership portal
Access to my 4-step research based, science-backed, client-tested-and-proven process of getting unstuck in every area of your life
Course modules and accompanying pdf resources and self-directed workbook
Topical workshops that I will teach inside the membership and masterclasses taught by guests
Live Q + A's with myself and other guests
Opportunities to be coached inside our bi-weekly Group Sessions to help you process stuck areas
Invitation to our exclusive online THRIVE community of incredible women who are also on the journey of thriving in their life!
Access to all future courses and content that I create inside the membership
Exclusive nvitations to live events and retreats!
If you feel like you're trapped in cycles of coping and addiction and want to find healthy ways of processing your emotions and being present and connected in your life, Thrive Membership will give you the self-awareness, skills, and tools to move from coping to connecting.
If you want to get off the hamster wheel of unhealthy beliefs because you keep finding yourself in the same situations, seasons, relationships, and negative cycles, Thrive Membership will help you unpack what you believe about yourself, God, others, and the world around you and create new beliefs that create momentum and attract the life you've been searching for.
If you want to heal your past pain and trauma (and this isn't your FIRST time sharing it) because you're sick and tired of living in survival mode and being stuck in the past, Thrive Membership will give you a powerful process of going from survival mode to thrive mode by healing through your past painful experiences, processing emotions in a healthy way, and unraveling cycles that are keeping you stuck and disconnected.
Thrive Membership is for anyone who is ready to get out of survival mode and build a life they actually love!
Yes! I’m certain your going to love it and want to stay forever (wink), but if you join and it’s not for you, you can choose to cancel your membership at any time!
Heal Your Past Pain
What we don't often realize is that our past experiences of trauma, rejection, abandonment, not being loved, chosen, accepted, and believed in by our caregivers creates cracks in our very fragile foundation of emotional development. When. we have unhealed past pain, our foundation for healthy connection to ourself, God, and others is fractured and it needs to be healed in order to begin building what we really want in life on a foundation that will last.
Break Addictive Coping Cycles
When we have unhealed past pain, we develop unhealthy coping mechanisms to help us regulate our nervous systems. We eat, drink, shut down, and dissociate to protect ourself from the pain of not getting our real needs met. These coping mechanisms that provide comfort turn into cycles of addiction that we depend on in order to regulate our very dysregulated nervous systems.
Uncover What You Really Believe About Yourself
What we believe creates our reality. If we believe that we're unloved, not chosen, broken, and rejectable, we subconsciously create that reality for ourself and then wonder why we feel so stuck in our life. Identifying what you believe as a result of past experiences is a critical step to begin healing your pain and creating a life you actually enjoy being in.
Create Healthy Boundaries and Self-Care Practices
When we experience past pain and unmet needs, we often don't know how to value and protect our Self from the actions and opinions of other people. This is why we "allow" people to abuse and walk all over us. But when we get clear about our self-sabotaging beliefs and begin to create new ones that serve our life, we can set healthy boundaries that protect what we value. Not only that, but we can begin to nurture and grow our Self - the person that we were created to be all along!