I’m passionate about helping women live a life they LOVE and thrive in every season.
I am Chantelle Nelson.
I grew up believing there was something inherently wrong with me. My teenage and young adult years were spent feeling anxious, hopeless, and insecure ALL. THE. TIME! I consistently chose destructive romantic relationships, battled unhealthy cycles with food and exercise, and working 15 hours a day to escape the emotional pain I felt. I was exhausted, overwhelmed, and struggled with panic and anxiety attacks.
It wasn’t until I got my Bachelor’s in Behavioral Sciences where I began to find the language that described what I felt on the inside. I instantly fell in love with emotional health and went on the journey of becoming emotionally whole myself.
After completing my Master’s degree in Counseling Psychology, three years of ministry school, having three babies straight out of marriage, and building a life in a new country away from my family, I have discovered tools that have radically transformed my life and empowered me to live a life that I LOVE!
I went on to become trauma-certified and polyvagal-informed (the neurobiology of connection + regulation) because I am passionate about helping women who have faced trauma and painful past experiences experience complete freedom from the inside-out.
I’ve gone through hard seasons that have shaped and strengthened me. The knowledge and insight I have gained through, both, my formal education and my life experiences have enabled me to live a full and abundant life in every season and I want to help YOU live a life that you love!