I used to feel so stuck in my life. I lived my teenage and young adult years crippled with anxiety, depression, self-hatred, and I was trapped in these cycles of behaviors that I couldn’t get out of - drinking to numb my feelings, unhealthy romantic relationships to feel loved and accepted, disordered eating habits to feel enough. I lived on a hampster wheel of thinking, feeling, and doing, which made me feel stuck in every area of my life and no matter what I did, I couldn’t get unstuck. 


In GET UNSTUCK, I implement my research-based, science-backed, client proven 4-step process to getting unstuck!

  • What it looks and feels like to be stuck in different areas in your life that prevent you from being your true and authentic Self. We will explore the areas of emotional pain and unmet needs in your past and how those experiences are keeping you stuck. Lastly, I’ll dive into six core emotional needs that all human beings have in order to emotionally thrive.

  • Dive deep and unpack your belief systems - what they are, how they’re formed, and how they contribute to you staying stuck in your life. I’ll teach you how the beliefs you have about yourself, others, and the world around you have protected you from pain and unmet needs, but how those beliefs may no longer be serving you.

  • You’ll learn what a cycle is and how your cycles of coping are keeping you stuck in your pain. I’m going to break down the anatomy of a cycle and teach you powerful tools on how to process your emotions instead of coping with them.

  • Learn the 5-step process of choosing powerful new beliefs that create the reality you want to see in your life. Through this research-based, client-proven process, you’re going to go from being stuck in cycles to rewriting new beliefs that are based on the truth and not your past pain. The module will finish with a practical segment on how to create boundaries, take care of your Self, and get your needs met in a healthy way.

“Chantelle showed me how to healthily process trauma, pain, and anxiety. She gave me lifelong tools that have led to a deeper level of healing… She has set me up with practical tools that I can take beyond our work together.”

— Tassja (former client)

“Chantelle has helped me uncover the dysfunctional relationship I had with my emotions, which hindered me from building meaningful connections with my loved ones. She helped me recover a healthy perspective in regards to how emotions function in relationships.”

— Camille (former client)


What can you expect from GET UNSTUCK?

  1. Uncover the areas in your life where you feel stuck in your relationships, body, mindsets, emotions, thought patterns, coping mechanisms, cycles, etc.

  2. Identify areas of pain and unmet needs that you're coping with instead of getting free from

  3. Recognize how your past experiences have shaped your life

  4. Unpack the different beliefs you have about yourself, others, and the world that are keeping you stuck in your pain

  5. Learn how to forgive yourself and others 

  6. Identify the cycles in your life that are fueling the beliefs you have

  7. Create new beliefs that are rooted in truth and not your past pain

  8. Learn how to create boundaries, take care of yourself, and get your needs met in a healthy way!

“Chantelle has been such a big part of my transformation. I have seen changes in my life already. She has been able to help me identify things in my life that I did not even know were affecting me as a person and in my relationships. She has such heart and passion for helping women become and feel empowered again. I love how real and true she is. She has helped me clarify and dig deep during our sessions. I could not have asked for a better person to help coach me in this season of my life!”

— Angela

LAST CALL, do you want to get UNSTUCK?